diaries to turn to glad libs
1)"The time I met my friend Jessica." I joined a 1)____ADJ_________ anger management class ran by a guy called Martin. There was a 2)______ADJ______ and short dude named Robert, A hairy, 3)____ADJ_______ guy named Marco, And the only other girl there was named Jessica. I immediatly thought she resembled 4)____FEMALE CELEBRITY___ and thought it was kind of funny. We both had reservations, so it took a while to break the 5)___NOUN____ with each other. But when we finally did, it was almost like we were long lost 6)____PLURAL NOUN______. She told me stories about her going to college and some of her 7)____ADJ_____ Roommates. We also discovered that she dated a 8)___ADJ_____ guy with the same last name as a guy the pursued me, So it turned out that they were actual 9)_____LIQUID_____ brothers and had we married the brothers, We would've become 10)____PLURAL NOUN____ -in- Law! (She probably would have LOVED these GLAD LIBS! We did them when we needed a good la...
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